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Helm at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2019

Fri, Nov 15, 2019

Next week is the annual KubeCon and CloudNativeCon in North America. The Helm project and maintainers have several things going on and we wanted to invite you to them.

Helm will have two maintainer track sessions that focus on an Introduction to Helm and a Helm 3 Deep Dive. Anyone who is new to Helm or would be interested in learning how and why they should use Helm, please consider attending the Introduction to Helm. If you are curious about the recently released Helm 3, the Helm 3 Deep Dive is for you. Please let others know about these talks if you think they will interest them!

This year also marks the first time the Helm project will have their own project specific booth! If you want to talk with the maintainers or have other questions about the project, the booth will be an excellent space to meet the people who regularly work on the project.

There are several exciting Helm-centric sessions from the community this year. For example, Ricarto Rocha from CERN will be presenting Managing Helm Deployments with Gitops at CERN. You can check the schedule to learn about other sessions in the official schedule.

Going to be at the conference the weekend before it starts? Cloud_Native Rejekts will be going on and Taylor Thomas, one of the Helm project maintainers, will be presenting Advanced Interactions with Kubernetes (As Taught by Helm).

Matt Farina

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